You want me to do what????

Am I the only one that noticed this? As a “Peeking over the hill,” female seeking employment find the employment advertisements a tiny bit confusing? The flowery phrases used to describe the kind of work the employer is looking for leaves a lot to be desired. It should not require a 6 paragraph narrative clearly states what you want to accomplish and what you expect of me.

Also clearly state the name of your company and where you are located. Not everyone is willing to make an hour or more commute. I appreciate not having to plow through the brain-freezing strange and unique forms. You will get fewer applications, but fewer turn downs. Yes, Virginia, some of us will turn down jobs because of the commute.

Please do not assume I am stupid enough to not figure out when you ask, “What year did you graduate from High School?” I do not realize you want to rule me out because of age. And please do not rule me out because of lack of experience when I state I have 30 years in the field you are seeking employees. That coming from someone barely out of diapers is insulting.

I do love the new way of saying “Sorry sucker” we don’t want you by saying, “Although your qualifications are impressive, we elected to move forward with another candidate.” If they were so damned impressive, why didn’t I at least get an interview with a real person?

Throw away those “personality quizzes!  You know, the one predicting my temperament and if I will steal you blind. I have never passed one, and I was a Realtor for 30 years, helping people with the most expensive purchase of their lives.

I absolutely hate anachronisms! Say what you mean. If you are too lazy to type a few words, well, I am not interested in what you are offering.

If you require a resume, why do you need me to fill out a non-interactive employment history? Most of my boss or supervisor’s either moved on to bigger and greener pastures or on to their great reward, and many companies are no longer in existence, through no fault of mine.

Also, do not require me to present myself at a “cattle-call” interview, two minutes long. If you are going to interview a million people for a job that barely pays above minimum wage, count me out! I realize that “times have changed!” But surely, not so much there is never a face-to-face interview, ever?

Just so you know, I am an old school, “8 hours pay for 8 hours work,” and I do not require, need or want you to supply treats, and games with prizes. I want to play games of my choice on my own time with people I know and like. I would appreciate a bathroom within walking distance and the agreement to allow me to go when necessary. No need to ask why you already determined my age.

Don’t get me started on the employment gap! Many people retire and need to seek supplement retirement. What’s wrong with that? It should not be a mortal sin to need to work again. Maybe you should think about maturity and experience is an asset, rather than a deterrent.



Published by Time Traveler of Life

Biography Creating worlds, characters, and wielding power like a madwoman, making my characters happy, sad, angry, and some of them with no redeeming qualities. I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I sometimes laugh out loud when I am writing a scene, and I have been known to cry when one of my favorites has to die. I am a left-handed Gemini, what do you expect? Reading bedtime stories to my two children until they fell asleep or until they just told me to go away, was fun. Making up wild stories for my grandchild, and creating Halloween costumes from Cowboys to a Dragon, was another favorite thing to do. I missed that so much when they were grown, that I started writing. My yearly newsletters frequently were drafted third-person by my Love Birds, Miranda our motorhome, and by Sir Fit the White Knight, our faithful Honda. Throughout the years, some of my creative talents centered around writing letters of complaint expressing my displeasure with services or products. One crucial, at least to my Son, was a note to our local school bus driver petitioning her to allow him back on the bus. He was kicked off for making an obscene gesture at his buddy. I reminded her that it was not directed at her, and that “obscenity can be in the eye of the beholder,” kids use that gesture as a greeting. He rode the bus until he graduated. I loved driving my English teacher crazy. Leaving a “continued next week” at the end of my five handwritten pages required each week. He was one of many people that suggested I “do something about my writing.” I graduated from the School of Hard Knocks at the top of my class. After 30 years, in the trenches as a Real Estate Professional, I have found that truth is stranger than fiction. My books are filled with characters I met in that profession. Their names were changed to protect the guilty. Others were from people we met traveling around the country in Miranda, our Motorhome. I am married nearly 60 years to the love of my life, Shirl, and partner-produced two exceptionally talented children, and one grandchild who is our pride and joy.

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